Raphael Sternberg — Landscape Design, Ecology. and Conservation:

Raphael Sternberg
2 min readJun 8, 2021


The Wall Street Journal features a very real issue.

Solar Power’s Land Grab Hits a Snag: Environmentalists.

Mojave Desert residents say they support clean energy, but not giant projects, citing threat to tortoises and views.

MOAPA VALLEY, Nev. — This windswept desert community is full of clean energy supporters including Suzanne Rebich, an airline pilot who recently topped her house with 36 solar panels. About 200 homes generate their own solar energy and a quarter of the local electricity supply comes from hydroelectric power.

Roof Solar Panels

All the same, many here are dead set against a planned solar plant atop the Mormon Mesa, which overlooks this valley 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Slated to be the biggest solar plant in the U.S., the Battle Born Solar Project by California-based Arevia Power would carpet 14 square miles — the equivalent of 7,000 football fields — with more than a million solar panels 10 to 20 feet tall. It would be capable of producing 850 megawatts of electricity, or roughly one-tenth of Nevada’s current capacity.

Green & Ecologic, but where’s the land gone?

Read the rest of this fascinating WSJ article here.



Raphael Sternberg

Landscaper and Gardener, Raphael Sternberg is based in Israel, but travels throughout the world, leaving his unique design, finish for countless unknown "users"